Berry to Bottle - The Story Behind our Rosehips

Our innovative skincare line for reactive skin evolves around one very special ingredient: wild organic rosehip. Ever wondered how these rosehips grow, and how they go from a rosehip bush in the south of Chile to our treasured bottles? Maybe you would like to know why we chose this plant as a protagonist in our line? We’re here to answer all of your questions!
Last month, we visited the rosehip harvest and processing facilities in Chile. Enjoy a beautiful photographic report of this visit by Camila Cadiz, and learn more about the origin of your favourite skincare ingredient.
What are rosehips actually?
Flowers turn into fruits every autumn, and rosehip is basically the fruit of a rose. In the southern Andes mountains, on the natural border between Chile and Argentina, there are two types of roses that grow abundantly and whose fruits have great value in natural skincare. Rosa rubiginosa and Rosa canina have been harvested for centuries already to deduct an oil that is very high in omegas and vitamins, and therefore has incredible properties for the skin when it comes to hydration, regeneration and healing capacities.
What happens with the rosehips?
Every autumn, rural communities in the south of Chile get aligned and start harvesting the rosehips. The harvest period takes about 6 weeks, and is mostly done by seasonal laborers that also harvest blueberries during summer, apples and even mushrooms later on! But there is something special about the rosehips, they’ve told me. It’s the one fruit they earn most with, and the timing of the harvest is also special. It’s when their children return to school, and life tends to be extra expensive for a few weeks. It’s a valuable source of extra income, during a time of the year where this is extra wanted.
Rosehips are gathered and delivered to Santa Margarita, our partner in the south of Chile. The process is very simple and efficient - the rosehips come in, they are dried, and the fruit shell is separated from the seeds. Fruit shells are being sold as rosehip tea and the seeds (which used to be just a by-product of the tea industry!) are then brought to an artisanal press, where the precious oil is being extracted. The seeds contain only 3% of rosehip oil, so you can imagine we need a lot of seeds to get just that bit of oil!
Our coldpressed, organic seed oil is special for several reasons. First of all, the rosehips are harvested by families we know and visit every year. Besides this, we have exclusive access to freshly pressed seed oil. This means we only buy once a season, right after the harvest. This enhances the quality a lot, as the seeds haven’t had the time to dry and lose properties. A special treatment, granted to Maiwe only, thanks to our unique understanding and personal connection with Santa Margarita.
Why did we choose rosehips?
The unique properties of rosehip were the solution to my own skin concerns. When I found out more about the properties, I felt like I had found my true match: an accelerator for cell renewal, which makes it effective at fading discolorations, hyperpigmentation and scars. Improving your skin’s texture and its overall glow. And anti-inflammatory, so ideal to fight and combat acne. On top, rich in omega 6 and 9 fatty acids (especially in linoleic acid, scientifically proven to reduce acne). Not to mention its radically sustainable character and the way it benefits local communities. Did you know that some of the only natural actives that have a scientifically proven beneficial effect on the skin are omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, hyaluronic acid, mild cleansing and the application of vitamin A, C, E, K and probiotics (and sunscreen)? Maiwe incorporates all of these elements through natural formulas where wild rosehip is our powerhouse: a naturally rich source of omega fatty acids and a unique mix of vitamins.
The Rosehip Oil Serum