
Maayke Ruyffelaere

After living in Chile for five years, bio-engineer Maayke Ruyffelaere returned to Belgium with her Chilean partner, their six-month-old daughter and an inspired plan. When in Chile, her knowledge of agro-ecology, clean beauty and the fair trade movement pulled her towards the botanical treasures of Patagonia. The wild rose varieties Rosa rubiginosa and Rosa canina – endemic to the region of Maiwe in southern Chile – quickly caught her attention for their unique skin properties and radically sustainable background. Having struggled herself for years with acne and reactive skin, she was amazed by the countless benefits the vivid rosehip oil can bring to one’s complexion. She made it her personal mission to develop the best possible rosehip blend out there. Maiwe was born in 2020 with the launch of The Rosehip Oil Serum. Currently Maayke lives and works in Antwerp, doing what she loves most: innovating with unique gems found in nature, carefully questioning every aspect of how a product comes to life.
