Coni Alamos
Today I want to present to you one of the many women I came to love during my stay in Chile: Coni Alamos. With her sweet friendship, creative soul and earth magician skills, she opened up a world to me that I had not entered before.

I would describe Coni as a textile artist, and a true gardener at heart, but it's impossible to pin her down in just a few words. When a person is that talented, the creativity drifts to all aspects of life: the way she parents, the way she cooks, the way she treats friendship. Beyond generous, she would always spoil me with the best food, funny cures for my baby, and flowers. Always flowers.
Coni lives on the borders of the Maullín river, a beautiful blue waterway that makes its way from the lake at the feet of the Osorno volcano, to the Pacific Ocean. To reach her little paradise, one drives for about an hour on a dirt road, crossing only trees and fields and an occasional sheep, until you arrive to the river shores and her fascinating atelier and home.

In her atelier, she creates silkscreen textile. She's mainly inspired by the flora and fauna of Chile, and her little gems are colourful pieces of art. She taught me how to silkscreen, an afternoon I'll never forget.
During summer, wedding parties are hosted by the river in an incredible setting, with all decorations and food by her hands.

To end, I want to thank her. She opened up my heart to the healing power of gardening, something I will never outlearn, and I will cherish forever.
Para ella: Gracias amiga, por ayudarme a conectar con la naturaleza, por la profundidad de nuestra amistad, y por ti. Sigue siendo la persona bella y valiente que eres.