Treating Rosacea - Your Holistic Guide



Typically, the change of season marks a period of potentially reactive skin for rosacea sufferers. A condition characterized by inflamed, red and irritated skin, treating rosacea is typically tricky during temperature changes.

While there are medicinal treatments to reduce the symptoms of rosacea, there is no cure as such. The triggers of this condition are far from stand-alone, ranging from choices in diet to compromised well-being. This means treatment shouldn’t be singular either. In our latest article, we consider rosacea from a holistic perspective, break down the facts and help you soothe and support your skin through the changing seasons.


Rosacea FAQs


What is rosacea?

Also known as couperose, rosacea is a long-term inflammatory skin condition that causes redness of the skin, rashes and visible blood vessels on the face. It appears mostly on the cheeks and nose, with symptoms fluctuating throughout life, dependent on a person’s exposure to triggers.



What are signs that I might have rosacea?


- Redness or flushing in the face
- Emergence of visible veins on the face
- Bumps and acne-like spots
- Burning and itchiness
- Eye irritation and dryness
- Thickened skin on the nose 



How can you treat it?

As previously mentioned, there is currently no cure for rosacea, only treatments to manage the condition as symptoms ebb and flow. Common medical approaches include topical antibiotics like metronidazole, and prescribed, targeted skincare. When considering natural remedies for rosacea, sufferers are increasingly suggested to consider their condition holistically, making changes to their diet and lifestyle.






What triggers rosacea?

While a direct cause of rosacea is yet to be established, experts have been able to link possible factors, including abnormalities in facial blood vessels. While not direct causes, there are several environmental “triggers” of the condition that have been identified: 

- Periods of stress
- Certain foods and drinks, especially spicy ingredients
- Extreme weather and changes in temperature
- Unprotected sun exposure
- Irritating skincare products 



Does it get worse at a particular time of year?

Rosacea can be triggered throughout the seasons, but it’s especially sensitive to swift changes in weather. Those with rosacea might notice flare-ups often happen between the switch from summer to autumn, and winter to spring.



Treating Rosacea Holistically - A Comprehensive Guide 


1. Integrate more anti-inflammatory foods into your diet

Many foods can cause inflammation in the body, often triggering bouts of rosacea. Those with this skin condition are recommended to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into their daily diet, to help stave off symptoms. Try adding more fatty fish, fruits, and herbs and spices like turmeric and ginger. Poor liver health has also been linked to symptoms of rosacea, so make sure to get a healthy dose of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage as well.



2. Create a mindful skincare routine

A considered, gentle skincare regimen can make the world of difference when dealing with a rosacea flare-up, especially when centered around natural, nourishing ingredients. Enter rosehip - our sensitive skin saviour.

Maiwe’s mission is rooted in soothing sensitive skin that’s seeking relief and kind solutions for long-term conditions. Rosehip is naturally rich in both polyphenols, anthocyanin and vitamin E, all of which can help reduce the inflammation of flare-ups. Pacify irritation with our simplified, science-backed ritual - your natural route to treating rosacea.





3. Dial down the stress

To avoid stress entirely is an unrealistic goal, you can, however, always take steps to improve how you react to moments of worry and uncertainty. Relieve feelings of stress, and in turn rosacea flare-ups, by creating time for regular relaxation and joy. Try to identify these feelings as they happen and act in the moment. Take some quiet time, breathe, journal, dance, bake, sing - whatever helps you wind down. 



4. Get to know your triggers

Rosacea triggers can be very individual, and it might take some time to narrow down on your own. Make a note every time your rosacea symptoms act up - you can then track your diet, emotions and even the weather to analyse for correlations. This will help you feel more in tune with your body and, with any luck, ease your rosacea symptoms.





Shop Our Soothing, Rosacea-Friendly Skincare Edit 


Rosehip Oil Serum 


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Balancing Facial Cream 



Nourishing Oil Cleanser  


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